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Carrots: A 40 Calorie Treat

Posted on May 2, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong

Carrots are a terrific source of vitamin A; one medium carrot can provide twice the daily recommended value.

Low in fat, cholesterol free and low in sodium carrots make for a excellent snack and healthful addition to meals.

Salads can readily be garnished with carrot strips made by pealing clean dry carrots using a potato peeler. If you set the carrot strips in the microwave for 30 seconds with a tablespoon of water it is simple to curl the strips for additional flair. This is a wonderful way to introduce carrots to young kids.

To create carrots extra enticing to picky eaters attempt serving carrot flowers. Run a fork length wise down a peeled carrot and slice 1/2 inch pieces width wise. The fork will create grooves and give the appearance of flower petals.

While buying carrots search for carrots which are bright orange to orange-red in colour. The shirts should be a rich dark green with no yellowing around the edges. Once home trimming the green shirts then rinse and drain the carrots and store in a large sealed plastic bag. Carrots will keep in the vegetable drawer of the fridge for up to three weeks. When the carrots start to become limp they're getting old and must be used immediately or substituted with fresh carrots.