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Tag: water

Articles tagged as Water

Healthful Beverage Choices

Posted on December 16, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
The health advantages of green tea extract have already been trumpeted in the media recently.Despite the fact that the claims could be exaggerated, if you are likely to drink a lot of any beverage apart from water, tea is most likely your very best choice.Tea is water plus phytochemicals including caffeine, and incredibly little else if you don't add a large amount of sugar.Both green and black tea result from exactly the same plant, camellia sinensis...

The Origins of the Humble Tea Leaf

Posted on May 13, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
Based on mythological fables, there are lots of stories of the origin of tea.The first one comes from over 4500 years back.The 2nd Chinese Emperor Chen Sung(circa 2737-2697 BC) was sitting under a tree while his servant was boiling some water.A leaf from the tree above fell into the boiling water and Chen Sung attempted the brew and enjoyed it.The tree was a tea tree, naturally.Another fabled source of tea comes from Bodhidharma, the traditional founder of the modern school of Buddhism...

Mistakes When Buying Seafood

Posted on February 17, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
When you go to purchase fresh whole fish don't buy it if the look of the fish isn't shiny and bright, scales aren't intact and stick to the skin.If the eyes have turned pink, muddy and sunken, except with little eyes fish such as salmon.Gills should have no sort of slime coating or be green or brown in colour.Fish shouldn't have a fishy odor.When you buy fresh whole fish it ought to be bright, shiny, and the majority of the scales must be complete and adhere closely to the skin...

Why Popcorn Pops

Posted on December 25, 2021 by Christopher Armstrong
Pop corn can be traced back as the 1500.In 1519, Cortes got his first sight of popcorn when he invaded Mexico and came into contact with the Aztecs.Popcorn was an important food for the Aztec Indians, who also used popcorn as decoration for ceremonial headdresses, necklaces and ornaments on statues of the gods, including Tlaloc, the god of rain and fertility.The motive popcorn pops was clarified by native Aztecs...