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Tag: sodium

Articles tagged as Sodium

Florida Oranges

Posted on November 25, 2024 by Christopher Armstrong
Americans think that Ponce de Leon and his men brought the initial orange to Florida in 1513.Since that time, hawaii has bloomed in to the second-largest orange growing producer on earth, after Brazil in SOUTH USA.Although enjoyed as a delicious fruit, around ninety percent of Florida oranges are accustomed to prepare orange juice that is consumed around the globe, giving an annual return of $8 billion to hawaii...

Carrots: A 40 Calorie Treat

Posted on August 2, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
Carrots are a terrific source of vitamin A; one medium carrot can provide twice the daily recommended value.Low in fat, cholesterol free and low in sodium carrots make for a excellent snack and healthful addition to meals.Salads can readily be garnished with carrot strips made by pealing clean dry carrots using a potato peeler.If you set the carrot strips in the microwave for 30 seconds with a tablespoon of water it is simple to curl the strips for additional flair...