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Tag: chemicals

Articles tagged as Chemicals

Organic Products and Production

Posted on November 14, 2023 by Christopher Armstrong
Many shoppers only appear to have an abstract knowledge of the advantages of organic foods and products on the surroundings and their health.Organic meat, poultry, eggs and milk products result from animals which are given no antibiotics or hgh.Many people think that genetic engineering is dangerous, unpredictable, and will reduce the vitamins and minerals of food.However the FDA has said that the quantity of hormones found in commercial livestock isn't enough to harm humans...

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin or Pure?

Posted on October 8, 2021 by Christopher Armstrong
Olives and olive oil have a very long history.It's been suggested that olives and olive oil have been around as long a 6000 decades.The Bible even references olive branches in the story of Noah's Ark.It's unknown as to when people began to eat olives and their oil but its roots of use indicate that initially it was used in lamps as gas as well as for cooking.There are two primary types of olive oils, extra virgin olive oil and olive oil...