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Tag: comes

Articles tagged as Comes

The Origins of the Humble Tea Leaf

Posted on May 13, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
Based on mythological fables, there are lots of stories of the origin of tea.The first one comes from over 4500 years back.The 2nd Chinese Emperor Chen Sung(circa 2737-2697 BC) was sitting under a tree while his servant was boiling some water.A leaf from the tree above fell into the boiling water and Chen Sung attempted the brew and enjoyed it.The tree was a tea tree, naturally.Another fabled source of tea comes from Bodhidharma, the traditional founder of the modern school of Buddhism...

How To Make Sure You Are Buying The Best Prime Rib

Posted on April 18, 2022 by Christopher Armstrong
The best grade of rib or any sort of beef is obviously prime grade.The issue comes in when trying to purchase prime grade beef, there's only 20 percent of prime grade beef in America cut and many of the grade of beef finds its way to those fancy restaurants.Some prime rib are available in the local grocery store and a few from the butcher shop.If you're lucky enough to locate prime grade then you'll still need to understand how to make sure that you are buying the very best prime rib available...